41.   Russian airplanes bombed the southern Vedeno and Argun Gorges, while artillery shelled suspected rebels in five districts on Thursday.

42.   Russian artillery also shelled suspected rebel positions near the border with Ingushetia late Friday, the ITAR-Tass news agency reported.

43.   Russian artillery shelled rebel bases in Vedeno, Shali and Kurchaloi districts, the official said.

44.   Russian helicopter gun ships and jets fired rockets at rebel positions in central Grozny, and Russian artillery shelled the city outskirts.

45.   Russian aircraft fired rockets at rebel positions in central Grozny, and artillery shelled the city outskirts.

46.   Russian aircraft fired rockets at rebel positions in central Grozny while artillery shelled the outskirts.

47.   Russian artillery shelled Chechen positions several miles north of Grozny, but there was no evidence of Russian claims that they had encircled the city.

48.   Russian artillery shelled rebel positions in four districts in Chechnya, suffering new losses Friday as the conflict in the breakaway republic as the war enters its eighth year.

49.   Russian artillery shelled targets in Chechnya as federal troops continued to fortify their positions in the northern third of the breakaway republic, the Interfax news agency said.

50.   Russian troops, driven from the heart of the Chechen capital by a spirited rebel defense, rained rockets and artillery shells on the city Tuesday.

n. + shell >>共 81
force 26.33%
tank 13.29%
artillery 12.15%
troop 10.51%
rebel 6.20%
army 4.56%
gunner 2.78%
guerrilla 2.03%
gunboat 1.90%
gun 1.65%
artillery + v. >>共 112
pound 15.16%
shell 15.00%
fire 6.72%
be 4.22%
retaliate 4.06%
bombard 3.59%
boom 3.28%
respond 2.97%
continue 2.66%
target 2.34%
每页显示:    共 95