41.   Yemeni artillery gunners deployed on the neighbouring island of Zogar and Eritrean gunners on Greater Hanish entered into action during the clash, he added.

42.   Israeli and SLA artillery gunners bombarded areas north of the security zone in retaliation without causing casualties, Lebanese police said.

43.   Israeli artillery gunners retaliated by pounding four villages facing the zone, police said.

44.   Israeli officials in Jerusalem said he would formally deny that Israeli artillery gunners knowingly shelled the UN camp packed with refugees in southern Lebanon last month.

45.   It said artillery gunners on Thursday shelled four villages near Arbil, destroying several more homes.

46.   Only artillery gunners continued to fire on northern forces.

47.   Russian artillery gunners pounded the Chechen capital Grozny Monday while Russian bombers flew repeated sorties, correspondents reported.

48.   The army inquiry into the incident found that artillery gunners had used an old map which mislocated the UN compound and failed to take into account its full size.

49.   The army said earlier that an out-of-date map of south Lebanon and miscalculations of its artillery gunners led to the tragedy.

50.   The Israeli army concluded at the weekend that an out-of-date map and miscalculations by its artillery gunners led to the Cana tragedy.

n. + gunner >>共 32
artillery 31.06%
army 12.42%
door 8.07%
government 6.83%
rear 5.59%
tail 5.59%
militia 3.73%
turret 3.11%
hand 1.86%
helicopter 1.86%
artillery + n. >>共 184
fire 25.43%
shell 12.30%
attack 6.62%
duel 6.47%
barrage 5.55%
piece 4.83%
bombardment 4.29%
exchange 3.63%
gun 3.53%
round 1.99%
gunner 1.58%
每页显示:    共 50