41.   Several ministers have already started the parade, most recently an ex-minister for his role in illegal arms shipments to Croatia and Ecuador.

42.   Since early in his tenure, Clinton has said that the embargo on arms shipments to the Bosnian government should be lifted.

43.   Some Republicans are upset with a Justice Department probe which cleared Lake of misleading Congress on arms shipments from Iran to Bosnia.

44.   The administration claims that the law does not apply in this case because the United States played only a passive role in the Iranian arms shipments.

45.   The arms shipments went forward.

46.   The CIA and the Pakistani intelligence service had used Quetta as a way station for rebel arms shipments.

47.   The embargo bars arms shipments to all sides in the conflict, but hurts the Bosnian government most because the Bosnian Serbs are much better armed.

48.   The group is under international sanctions, which makes arms shipments illegal.

49.   The general would most like to receive U.S. arms shipments, or trade concessions to make it easier for Pakistan to export textiles here.

50.   The issue caused a rift between the administration and Congress because Clinton officials chose not to inform Congress of the arms shipments.

n. + shipment >>共 212
arm 12.18%
aid 10.75%
drug 7.48%
food 6.20%
oil 5.91%
weapon 4.34%
fuel 3.06%
cocaine 2.71%
air 2.49%
cargo 2.14%
arm + n. >>共 531
embargo 18.26%
sale 7.84%
control 4.61%
inspector 4.43%
treaty 2.65%
dealer 2.56%
deal 2.53%
shipment 2.25%
strength 2.19%
agreement 1.65%
每页显示:    共 170