41.   Prosecutors will probably oppose the move, and are studying whether to appeal the sentence itself.

42.   Relatives and associates of Chaviano, who is appealing the sentence, describe the accusations against him as false.

43.   She appealed her sentence to the Illinois Supreme Court.

44.   She must later decide whether she should help her mother try to appeal her sentence.

45.   Siegerist appealed the sentence, and a final judgment is expected within a few months.

46.   The defendant appealed his sentence.

47.   The Huntington, W.Va., couple knew that the sentences would be appealed.

48.   The Mooneys have appealed their sentences and are free on bail.

49.   The Republicans say the provision would allow inmates to appeal their sentences to such an extent that they would effectively do away with the death penalty.

50.   The sentence is being appealed.

v. + sentence >>共 425
serve 13.93%
commute 6.60%
appeal 6.05%
receive 5.39%
reduce 5.17%
carry 4.46%
impose 3.71%
face 3.01%
pass 2.63%
suspend 2.52%
appeal + n. >>共 234
decision 26.56%
ruling 20.04%
verdict 9.29%
sentence 7.87%
conviction 7.70%
case 5.87%
order 1.84%
suspension 1.77%
fine 1.51%
dismissal 1.05%
每页显示:    共 336