41.   Even though the appeals judges did not find actual bias on the part of Jackson, they said the appearance of impropriety was enough to poison the judgment.

42.   Eventually, North and Poindexter, among others, were found guilty of criminal acts, but federal appeals judges later threw out the convictions.

43.   Far removed from the drama of the courtroom, cool-headed appeals judges are better suited to have the final say on damages, the theory goes.

44.   Federal appeals judges are supposed to decide whether the trial court applied the law correctly, rather than dredging up the facts from the trial.

45.   Every single incumbent in the local races, from clerk to appeals court judge, was ahead.

46.   Five appeals court judges are under consideration.

47.   Given the tone of the questions directed at government lawyers by appeals court judges, that outcome would now seem highly doubtful.

48.   He gained a reputation as a strong conservative even before that, over four years as a federal appeals judge in Washington.

49.   He had dared to dream of a clerkship with a judge, a dream that our son will realize when he clerks for a federal appeals judge.

50.   He is known for his plain-spoken style, which connects with many common-folk jurors as well as the loftiest of appeals judges.

n. + judge >>共 226
trial 21.70%
court 14.06%
appeal 8.69%
district 8.35%
law 7.42%
immigration 6.41%
bankruptcy 4.44%
circuit 2.95%
line 2.50%
tribunal 2.05%
appeal + n. >>共 175
court 65.36%
process 7.09%
panel 4.32%
judge 4.27%
ruling 3.44%
decision 2.34%
hearing 2.22%
board 0.71%
procedure 0.70%
committee 0.60%
每页显示:    共 232