41.   From the battered high-rise apartment blocks overlooking the emplacement, Serbs and Muslims who used to drink in the same bars now hunt each other with assault rifles.

42.   Giant earth-moving machines on Monday lifted chunks of bricks and slabs of concrete from apartment blocks that lay in ruins.

43.   Her little business, like every other public sign of enterprise, is actually part of a cooperative that benefits everyone in her apartment block.

44.   His Hong Kong is a place of dense, dark apartment blocks, petty criminals, mean streets, deserted wives and families and the wages of poverty.

45.   Hundreds of apartment blocks were left without heat.

46.   If an apartment block is used for relocating people, land-use fees are waived by the government.

47.   In empty apartment blocks, food lay on plates on the tables, and drawers were half-open, the contents strewn on the floor.

48.   In the bitter, house-to-house fighting that reduced entire apartment blocks to chunks of stone, neighbor stalked neighbor.

49.   In massive apartment blocks in the eastern district of Marzahn, however, the rising support for the former Communists was on full display.

50.   In one apartment block by the main police station, only two occupants are the original owners.

n. + block >>共 352
apartment 19.75%
road 14.39%
city 10.65%
auction 7.60%
cell 4.61%
cement 3.51%
police 1.38%
trade 1.04%
time 0.92%
limestone 0.92%
apartment + n. >>共 222
complex 30.28%
block 19.16%
window 4.25%
door 3.46%
dweller 2.74%
owner 2.23%
fire 1.84%
manager 1.84%
tower 1.62%
rent 1.34%
每页显示:    共 341