41.   Analysts speculated that Coulter may not be the only highly placed BofA executive asked to leave.

42.   Analysts speculated that GTE could be required to shed some of its long-distance customers in the east as a condition for regulatory approval.

43.   Analysts speculated that HSBC might sell part of its stake in Hang Seng Bank to reduce its exposure to Hong Kong.

44.   Analysts speculated that Miller had backed away from the board meeting and called in the prosecutors because he had not received assurances that Goldovsky would fall into line.

45.   Analysts speculated that one likely candidate for the retail group job would be Robert Mazzeralla, now head of the discount brokerage operation.

46.   Analysts speculated that Rice may be choosing to sell the bank now rather than turn over the reins to Lastinger.

47.   Analysts speculated that rival Abbott Laboratories Inc. would be one likely candidate, though they said any number of other companies could be interested.

48.   Analysts speculated that the Federal Reserve might lower interest rates again to bolster the economy.

49.   Analysts speculated that Tudjman and President Slobodan Milosevic of Serbia may have secretly agreed to swap the Krajina for eastern portions of Croatia.

50.   Analysts have speculated that Anglo-American Corp. unit, Minorco SA, RMC Group Plc and Hanson Plc may be interested in all or part of the company.

n. + speculate >>共 254
analyst 11.65%
investor 8.61%
official 7.79%
trader 6.75%
medium 5.89%
newspaper 5.80%
report 4.68%
police 3.77%
expert 3.68%
observer 2.86%
analyst + v. >>共 240
say 55.41%
expect 7.01%
be 3.22%
believe 3.15%
predict 2.90%
agree 1.47%
warn 1.33%
see 1.32%
suggest 1.16%
think 1.15%
speculate 0.73%
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