41.   After Russian troops failed to storm the hospital, Chernomyrdin negotiated a deal in which the guerrillas were allowed safe passage back to Chechnya in exchange for the hostages.

42.   Both sides are keen to upgrade some temporary checkpoints to permanent to allow passage of their own nationals and boost border trade.

43.   Namfrel was criticised on Friday for forging a pact with the MILF to allow safe passage of ballots in MILF-controlled areas covered by the Moslem autonomous region.

44.   Officials from the canal commission said they would take all the necessary security measures if the Sandpiper is allowed passage into the canal.

45.   New roads have reportedly been carved out, presumably to allow the passage of tanks along the tops of the mountain in the Snijeznica region, east of Dubrovnik.

46.   Once river traffic resumes, all you need to do is detach one of the pontoons to allow passage.

47.   Only Palestinian leaders, along with food and medicine, will be allowed passage between Israel and the territories, Dayan said.

48.   Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin then negotiated a deal in which the guerrillas were allowed safe passage back to Chechnya in exchange for the hostages.

49.   Some of these roads are permanently closed to motorists, even during the day when they are expected to be opened to allow passage.

50.   The agreement allows the passage of lorries, tourist buses and private vehicles between the two countries, and it should go into force within a month.

v. + passage >>共 404
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block 4.11%
expect 3.18%
allow 2.62%
read 2.52%
urge 2.31%
ensure 2.26%
assure 2.05%
guarantee 2.00%
delay 1.95%
allow + n. >>共 1326
run 6.25%
hit 5.03%
access 2.72%
use 1.57%
time 1.36%
goal 1.18%
visit 0.96%
reporter 0.96%
sale 0.85%
single 0.80%
passage 0.32%
每页显示:    共 51