41.   But then Rumsfeld took the lead, and the rhetoric quickly hardened once the air crew was safely home.

42.   But there were no reports of detonations, indicating a false alarm by jumpy air defense crews.

43.   Couture-Simard says the incident demonstrates how diligent Air Canada is when it comes to the condition of its air crew.

44.   Earlier, Defense Secretary George Robertson said the airstrikes are intended to protect the lives of air crews.

45.   During his meetings with the Taliban governor of Kandahar, Holl also discussed the detention of a Russian air crew.

46.   Five air crew and one airport worker were arrested, a Customs spokesman said.

47.   Flight attendants from Thai Airways International have demanded that the government intervene to stop sexually suggestive ads involving air crew.

48.   He was treated by the air ambulance crew for half an hour before being transported to a nearby hospital.

49.   In a rare move, Medals of Honor, one posthumous, were bestowed on two members of a single air crew.

50.   In London, the British Defense Secretary George Robertson said the airstrikes are intended to protect the lives of air crews.

n. + crew >>共 457
television 11.89%
camera 7.86%
flight 6.52%
rescue 5.04%
construction 3.88%
fire 3.80%
film 3.78%
shuttle 3.51%
work 2.81%
news 2.69%
air 1.57%
air + n. >>共 541
travel 5.54%
attack 5.02%
pollution 4.75%
controller 4.63%
campaign 4.31%
traffic 4.02%
fare 2.87%
time 2.78%
system 2.54%
quality 2.38%
crew 0.53%
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