41.   He was also often dismissive of those who aided the rebels from the cities.

42.   He said there were hundreds of other superior officers and rank-and-file soldiers who had already defected and were in the Lower Zaire region to aid the rebels.

43.   Hundreds of other officers and rank-and-file soldiers already had switched sides and were in eastern Zaire to aid the rebels, Anti said.

44.   In a further blow to U.N. credibility in Croatia, the United Nations on Tuesday fired a Russian commander it said was aiding rebel Serbs in eastern Croatia.

45.   In turn, Sudan has accused Uganda of aiding Sudanese rebels.

46.   In past decades, very few doctors volunteered to work in remote communities, which have no communication facilities and where they are often suspected of aiding Communist rebels.

47.   India accuses Pakistan of aiding the rebels by giving them training, weapons and cover fire when they slip across the porous frontier, called the Line of Control.

48.   Instead, it accuses Uganda of aiding Sudanese rebels.

49.   It is pursuing that goal by bombing the Taliban and aiding rebels fighting the Taliban on the ground.

50.   Kabila was en route to Angola, where the government has been accused by Zaire and Western powers of aiding the rebels with troops and equipment.

v. + rebel >>共 520
kill 12.06%
support 6.08%
fight 4.74%
back 4.69%
accuse 4.55%
blame 3.98%
aid 2.77%
drive 2.01%
help 1.99%
battle 1.92%
aid + n. >>共 621
rebel 7.98%
effort 3.05%
victim 2.54%
refugee 2.39%
militant 1.93%
terrorist 1.63%
worker 1.52%
development 1.32%
investigation 1.27%
group 1.22%
每页显示:    共 156