41.   Riyadh and Sanaa at the end of July concluded two security agreements aimed at combatting drug trafficking and smuggling and also calling for the extradition of criminals.

42.   The agreement aims at keeping the country united, the broadcast said, adding that the Rabbani and Hekmatyar sides would fight plots to divide the country.

43.   The agreement aims at keeping the country united, the broadcast said, adding that the two sides would fight conspiracies against the division of the country.

44.   The association agreement aims to boost trade between the EU and Lebanon and has been under negotiation for seven years.

45.   The agreement aims to protect Romanian investments in Nigeria and vice versa.

46.   The agreement also aims to simplify the subsidies handed out on bulls, which will now be streamlined into one compensation system.

47.   The defense agreement aims to expand military ties, with an emphasis on information exchange and training, Keleti said.

48.   The framework agreement aimed to defuse the nuclear crisis on the tense peninsula.

49.   The IMF representative in Cairo, Arvind Subramanian, refused to confirm or deny that the agreement aimed at reducing the number of civil servants.

n. + aim >>共 860
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agreement + v. >>共 391
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