41.   Despite a debilitating economic crisis and the heated political situation, RBCM can still afford luxuries.

42.   Few can afford imported luxuries in bright shops on streets, marginally better lit than under communism.

43.   How can officials afford these luxuries on unadorned salaries?

44.   Most consumers are still trying to make ends meet, and many wonder whether they can afford the luxury of mall shopping.

45.   Neither can you afford the luxury of avoiding involvement when someone near you hurts.

46.   Only a few can afford the luxury, however.

47.   President Soeharto has signaled his understanding that Indonesia can no longer afford the luxury of a laissez-faire or obstructionist attitude toward reform.

48.   Some poor Cambodians who do receive medical attention find they cannot afford the luxury of treating their problems.

49.   The sanctions, however, have devastated the middle class, and only the few rich Iraqis can afford such luxuries.

50.   Under the prevailing market conditions, they cannot afford the luxury to be picky.

v. + luxury >>共 119
have 60.39%
afford 8.13%
enjoy 5.57%
allow 1.20%
add 0.75%
lack 0.75%
lose 0.75%
want 0.75%
define 0.60%
give 0.45%
afford + n. >>共 654
luxury 3.02%
protection 2.86%
view 2.63%
lawyer 2.35%
cost 2.18%
insurance 1.79%
car 1.62%
drug 1.62%
opportunity 1.57%
loss 1.40%
每页显示:    共 54