41.   In a written response to the committee prepared by his lawyers, Shuster disputed that his actions violated law.

42.   India protested that the action violated the rules and spirit of the World Trade Organization.

43.   It said the Philippine action violated Chinese sovereignty over the shoal, which it calls Huangyan Dao, and warned that a repeat could strain bilateral relations.

44.   Russian commanders on Sunday say their forces attacked rebels in southern Chechnya, but insist the action did not violate a week-old truce.

45.   Ranta said the Serb action also violated the diplomatic immunity of the Finnish ambassador for human rights.

46.   She said the Serb action also violated the diplomatic immunity of the Finnish ambassador for human rights, who accompanied them.

47.   That action violated a peace treaty with Georgia, which itself is among the returned archives.

48.   Sydnor sought dismissal of the lawsuit under qualified immunity, which protects government officials from being sued unless their actions violated a clearly established right.

49.   The grant of immunity allows the airlines to talk free of fear that the Justice Department will allege their action violates antitrust laws.

50.   The Palestinians, who want the Arab quarter as the capital of their would-be state, charge that the Israeli action violates earlier peace agreements.

n. + violate >>共 825
law 4.39%
company 2.77%
action 1.94%
government 1.81%
plane 1.66%
plan 1.27%
deal 1.15%
practice 1.11%
policy 1.11%
program 1.11%
action + v. >>共 799
be 28.76%
come 3.91%
have 2.30%
follow 2.03%
take 1.76%
prevent 1.57%
stop 1.28%
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violate 0.82%
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