41.   American officials say the rudimentary programs have already achieved some successes.

42.   Although McKay ultimately achieved success in Tampa and later retired there, J.K. McKay said there was never any question what he identified with.

43.   An early example is the drug Gleevec, which has achieved great success in treating chronic myelogenous leukemia, a cancer in which white blood cells run amok.

44.   An ordinary guy became the latest embodiment of the noble ideal that says if you work hard and play by the rules, you can achieve financial success.

45.   And because of his background, starting at such a young age and achieving success at such high levels, Larry Lacewell makes no excuses.

46.   And even though some had achieved stunning successes, none were about to try cloning an adult or even cells from mature embryos.

47.   And now, in death, Selena has achieved the success about which she dreamed most of her life.

48.   And still they painted, and some achieved success.

49.   Another in the Artist at Work series, on artists who have achieved success in their own fields and are now on the verge of a wider prominence.

50.   As his students began achieving increased success, he moved to the larger Pickwick rink in Burbank.

v. + success >>共 523
have 26.42%
achieve 5.13%
enjoy 4.42%
find 3.47%
claim 2.87%
attribute 2.64%
measure 2.41%
guarantee 1.90%
ensure 1.63%
follow 1.19%
achieve + n. >>共 900
goal 13.71%
peace 4.08%
success 4.04%
objective 3.37%
result 3.31%
progress 1.75%
status 1.63%
breakthrough 1.60%
aim 1.57%
growth 1.43%
每页显示:    共 266