41.   The TNRCC commissioners will not formally select and propose the measures to achieve those reductions until next spring.

42.   The two main Kyoto mechanisms, the clean development mechanism and emissions trading, rely on the market to achieve reductions.

43.   The work schedule is crucial because it will govern how soon operating rules are established for the mechanisms of achieving emissions reductions.

44.   They want countries to have the flexibility to achieve reductions in ways that make the best sense for themselves, and at the least cost.

45.   Only a quarter of developing nations are expected to achieve significant reductions next year.

46.   Analysts said businesses are well on the way to achieving the reduction and expect an upswing in production this quarter.

47.   Governments would decide for themselves how to achieve the reductions.

48.   He exhorted industrialized countries to achieve their reductions first.

49.   In the end, the protocol is unlikely to do more than recommend ways to achieve mandated reductions.

50.   It said it would seek to achieve the reductions through attrition rather than forced layoffs.

v. + reduction >>共 323
include 7.40%
make 5.57%
achieve 3.61%
announce 3.21%
expect 2.29%
see 2.18%
seek 2.12%
demand 1.84%
negotiate 1.66%
mean 1.66%
achieve + n. >>共 900
goal 13.71%
peace 4.08%
success 4.04%
objective 3.37%
result 3.31%
progress 1.75%
status 1.63%
breakthrough 1.60%
aim 1.57%
growth 1.43%
reduction 0.95%
每页显示:    共 63