41.   The accord also calls for a new round of reforms meant to address inequalities in electoral laws that have hindered the development of democracy in Mexico.

42.   The accord also calls for new social and cultural cooperation that ASEAN officials this week said were not possible before due to Cold War conflicts in the region.

43.   The accord also calls for opening up the discussions to presidential candidates in an attempt to ensure the process continues after President Andres Pastrana leaves office next year.

44.   The accord called for close cooperation and normal ties between the two countries.

45.   The accord called for reconciliation measures such as the appointment of opposition members to Cabinet posts and amnesties for the mostly Islamic rebels.

46.   The accord calls for economic and technical cooperation in areas including industrial science, telecommunications, transportation and building a regional data base.

47.   The accord calls for Israeli troops to withdraw from much of the West Bank and be replaced by Palestinian police.

48.   The accord calls for North Korea to freeze and eventually dismantle its suspect nuclear program in exchange for two safer reactors that produce far less weapons-grade plutonium.

49.   The accord calls for rich countries to cut emissions of so-called greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide from cars, factories and power stations.

50.   The accord calls for sharing information and expertise.

n. + call >>共 869
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accord + v. >>共 388
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