41.   I have encountered these guidelines as part of my academic studies, but my classroom teaching experience has provided me with real insights.

42.   In addition to a lack of societal support, narcoleptics often have a hard time successfully completing their academic studies or working under any but the most low-pressure conditions.

43.   In addition, the Plexus study included commission charges, which were not considered in the academic study.

44.   In schools and colleges around the world, the band and its influence on pop culture have become fodder for academic study.

45.   In most academic studies of entertainment, Senelick said, the tendency is toward grandiose social commentary.

46.   Increasingly, the money is going to academic studies.

47.   Increasingly, the money is going to academic studies of papaya viruses, wood pulp, auto safety and the aurora borealis.

48.   It lists what size of anthrax dose kills people who have been immunized, and refers readers to more detailed academic studies on anthrax.

49.   It is hard to say exactly what makes these academic studies so arresting.

50.   Juries often hang guilty verdicts on the word of a single witness, despite numerous academic studies showing that witnesses are frequently unreliable.

a. + study >>共 658
new 13.19%
recent 6.98%
further 3.76%
previous 3.06%
scientific 2.35%
earlier 2.26%
clinical 1.27%
animal 1.24%
independent 1.17%
first 1.12%
academic 0.66%
academic + n. >>共 935
standard 4.25%
year 3.56%
performance 2.86%
achievement 2.50%
institution 1.97%
research 1.86%
career 1.74%
study 1.57%
program 1.57%
center 1.52%
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