31.   DNA evidence that led to a wrongful conviction and prompted allegations of shoddy work by a police chemist has been matched to a prison inmate, authorities said.

32.   Despite more than nine years behind bars, Washington said he is not angry about his wrongful conviction.

33.   He also says widely available DNA testing has made wrongful convictions less likely in recent years.

34.   He said he is not angry about his wrongful conviction, and only wants an apology.

35.   However, Mrs. Milgaard said she would remain active as a lobbyist for other Canadians seeking compensation for wrongful convictions.

36.   In an extremely rare case, a wrongful conviction led to criminal charges against seven law enforcement officials in DuPage County, Illinois.

37.   Lefcourt also questions how lawmakers can give prosecutors the right to go to court with new DNA evidence, but not defendants who claim wrongful convictions.

38.   Monday, by far the largest compensation package ever for a wrongful conviction in Canada.

39.   The four men were the latest to be released after wrongful convictions in Chicago-area courts.

40.   The new requests join ones filed in September by the Boston Globe and Centurion Ministry, a New Jersey charity that investigates claims of wrongful convictions.

a. + conviction >>共 389
criminal 11.25%
religious 6.61%
prior 4.71%
first 3.60%
wrongful 3.14%
political 3.01%
strong 2.68%
second 2.62%
earlier 1.83%
growing 1.77%
wrongful + n. >>共 52
death 41.56%
termination 13.58%
conviction 9.88%
dismissal 7.41%
arrest 5.35%
imprisonment 4.12%
act 2.06%
conduct 1.65%
discharge 1.65%
execution 1.65%
每页显示:    共 48