31.   The rebels have worsened tensions between Sudan and Uganda, which severed diplomatic relations with Khartoum last year.

32.   Border tensions have been worsened by the existence of armed Zairean bands of ethnic Tutsis, who settled in Zaire several generations ago and are known as Banyamulenge.

33.   Border tensions have been worsened by the existence of armed Zairean bands of ethnic Tutsis, who settled in Zaire several generations ago.

34.   The region has resisted Chinese rule for centuries, but the arrival of Han-majority settlers in large numbers in recent decades has worsened tensions.

35.   Taiwan Tuesday suspended the plans after the United States voiced concerns that they would only worsen tension in the Taiwan Strait.

36.   The mark was generally firm as worsening labor tensions in France relaunched controversy about a possible delay in the shift to a single European currency later in the decade.

v. + tension >>共 395
ease 16.21%
defuse 7.54%
reduce 6.93%
raise 5.55%
heighten 5.47%
create 4.03%
increase 3.73%
escalate 2.29%
cause 2.15%
inflame 1.78%
worsen 0.73%
worsen + n. >>共 209
situation 13.21%
problem 11.94%
condition 7.12%
tension 4.57%
relation 4.32%
crisis 3.43%
shortage 3.30%
plight 1.78%
matter 1.52%
conflict 1.52%
每页显示:    共 36