31.   Still, spokeswoman Anne Oman said the group was puzzled by the timing of the proposal and is already working to increase the participation of women in clinical trials.

32.   The FAA can and should work to increase dramatically the efficiency of air-traffic management.

33.   The group is working to increase participation as well as registration for the November election.

34.   The report showed hours worked increased more than previously estimated while output increased at a slower pace.

35.   The trade union federation declined a request for an interview but in a written response said it was working to increase union coverage in private companies.

36.   To secure victory in these crucial states, the campaign is working to increase turnout among senior citizens, African-Americans and union members.

37.   United Illuminating is working to increase its generating capacity for the summer.

38.   William K. Adler, a spokesman, said the newspaper has been working to increase the proportion of the revenue that comes from circulation.

39.   Yet, another member of the Project XL citizens group who is also an environmentalist said Intel and the program have worked to increase public accountability.

40.   PictureTel has been working to increase its outsourcing business.

v. + increase >>共 170
work 15.19%
use 12.91%
do 5.82%
act 2.53%
say 1.77%
can 1.52%
become 1.52%
fight 1.27%
add 1.27%
be 1.27%
work + v. >>共 921
improve 3.71%
get 3.15%
make 3.09%
keep 2.48%
help 2.09%
develop 1.96%
bring 1.64%
reduce 1.59%
build 1.50%
restore 1.50%
increase 1.01%
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