31.   Schwell said, on wobbly feet, wiping his brow with a crumpled tissue.

32.   She wipes her brow.

33.   She was forbidden to blow her nose or wipe her brow without permission.

34.   The sense of speed is amazing, and those close brushes with other motorists will leave you gritting your teeth and wiping your brow.

35.   There is no evidence Jesus fell or that a woman, traditionally known as Veronica, wiped his brow.

36.   They were told when to lose and instructed in theatrical gestures like wiping their brows, stammering with uncertainty, sighing with relief when they got the answer right.

37.   Three pitches later, Williams was out on strikes, and Moyer was wiping his brow on the way to the dugout.

38.   Tom Scott wipes his brow and rests after sweeping cigarette butts and candy wrappers on the Longfellow Bridge between Boston and Cambridge.

39.   Washington looks back at the events of the spring and wipes its brow, relieved that it got through with negligible casualties and no ground troops.

40.   Wolcott removed his cap, wiped his brow, looked in and saw Belle standing at home plate, eager to flex his muscles.

v. + brow >>共 53
furrow 25.11%
wipe 24.66%
mop 10.05%
knit 4.57%
raise 4.11%
wrinkle 3.20%
arch 2.28%
rub 1.37%
crease 0.91%
dab 0.91%
wipe + n. >>共 272
tear 23.08%
eye 8.81%
sweat 5.13%
brow 4.33%
face 3.61%
hand 3.29%
mouth 2.96%
nose 2.80%
floor 2.08%
foot 1.76%
每页显示:    共 54