31.   Recently, prosecutors raided two NEC subsidiaries, and the Tokyo headquarters of the Japanese Defense Agency, in a widening scandal involving corruption in military purchases.

32.   Prosecutors Wednesday raided the head office of Yamaichi Securities Co., a major Japanese brokerage, in a widening scandal involving suspected payoffs to a corporate racketeer.

33.   Prosecutors have recently raided two NEC subsidiaries and the Tokyo headquarters of the Japanese Defense Agency in a widening scandal involving corruption in military purchases.

34.   The announcement came as Tokyo prosecutors began questioning Dai-Ichi officials Tuesday in connection with the widening scandal, news reports said.

35.   Tabuchi apologized to lawmakers for the anxiety caused by the widening scandal, and said he would resign as a Nomura adviser.

36.   The announcement came as Tokyo prosecutors began questioning more Dai-Ichi Kangyo officials Tuesday in connection with the widening scandal, Japanese media reports said.

37.   The drug arrest follows arrests of four ministry officials in a widening scandal involving lavish entertainment in return for favors.

38.   The drug arrest follows the arrests of four ministry officials in a widening scandal involving lavish entertainment in return for favors.

39.   The raid was part of a widening scandal in which two senior defense officials and seven executives of computer-maker NEC Corp. and its affiliate have been arrested.

40.   The resignation of company co-founder Pol Hauspie is the latest in a series of boardroom moves aimed at stemming a widening scandal at the company.

a. + scandal >>共 498
political 7.07%
financial 6.42%
doping 3.88%
recent 3.42%
latest 2.97%
major 2.93%
fund-raising 2.22%
current 1.82%
widening 1.82%
influence-peddling 1.79%
widening + n. >>共 210
gap 14.51%
trade 7.13%
scandal 6.89%
investigation 3.94%
deficit 3.32%
gulf 2.71%
rift 2.09%
income 1.97%
payoff 1.97%
bribery 1.85%
每页显示:    共 56