31.   You tell me how any of us could have chucked him over the balustrade even if the whole lot of us got together to do it.

32.   And lo, there was a whole lot of shaking going on.

33.   I figured there were a whole lot of answers inside that building and I figured that like or not there had to be a back entrance to it somewhere.

34.   Inside there was a whole lot of arguing going on.

35.   We got a whole teacher got a whole lot of letters for some piece all about collecting cans for getting trees and it was them letters.

36.   A whole lot of serious debating went on about this.

37.   Suddenly there was a whole lot of noise, commotion and hubbub.

38.   Well string timbers up and you build it up, and the whole lot comes down.

39.   How to send a letter and review file, issue file, public file, the whole lot.

40.   Er, I mean the whole lot separately,

a. + lot >>共 636
whole 21.38%
awful 13.54%
vacant 8.60%
empty 3.19%
longer 2.47%
better 2.44%
small 1.55%
easier 1.32%
back 1.09%
large 1.05%
whole + n. >>共 924
thing 8.60%
lot 3.63%
world 2.84%
family 2.69%
life 1.91%
process 1.77%
country 1.66%
idea 1.52%
team 1.37%
time 1.31%
每页显示:    共 645