31.   Being called a white male, in the now-universal parlance of affirmative action,may trouble Villa-Vicencio and others, but it is reality.

32.   Because he is a white male, city cronies will automatically assume he has a lot in common with them.

33.   Both were white males and seemed very conservative.

34.   Bowers has been on trial in the Dahmer murder four times before, always walking free after deadlocked juries of white males.

35.   -- A generation of white males has sought employment under the perceived handicap of affirmative action.

36.   A privileged class of white males denigrates minorities and women.

37.   Advocates of affirmative action say it is a mistake for white males to blame affirmative action for the loss of their jobs.

38.   According to this survey, most people on the Web are upper-middle class white males and most sites are keyed to that demographic.

39.   Affirmative action works incredibly well for white males.

40.   Admittedly, most of this effort, virtually all this leadership came from the ranks of white males.

a. + male >>共 408
white 18.98%
young 9.40%
black 7.30%
adult 5.97%
alpha 3.56%
american 2.41%
dominant 1.84%
african-american 1.59%
angry 1.46%
the 1.21%
white + n. >>共 1100
man 4.44%
shirt 2.73%
woman 2.16%
wine 1.88%
people 1.57%
male 1.30%
powder 1.19%
farmer 1.18%
hair 1.05%
student 0.96%
每页显示:    共 297