31.   He said international mediators planned to visit key capitals, including Kigali and Kampala, to try to get the talks back on track.

32.   He was the guest of Crown Prince Sidi Mohammed in March when he visited the capital Rabat, Fez and Casablanca.

33.   Holbrooke was to travel to Kosovo on Wednesday, visiting its capital Pristina and areas west of that city where fighting has been heavy.

34.   Holbrooke is to travel to Kosovo on Wednesday, visiting its capital Pristina and areas west of that city where fighting has been heavy.

35.   Last week, U.S. Undersecretary of State Peter Turnoff visited EU capitals carrying the same message.

36.   Last week, Undersecretary of State Peter Turnoff visited EU capitals carrying the same message but returned home empty-handed.

37.   Last week, Undersecretary of State Peter Turnoff visited EU capitals carrying the same message.

38.   Once the date is finalised, Kadirgamar will start visiting SAARC capitals to extend formal invitation to the leaders to attend the summit, Rahman added.

39.   President Mobutu Sese Seko, who rarely visits the capital, Kinshasa, spoke at a memorial Mass for the victims on the second day of national mourning.

40.   Richardson is expected to ask the Rwandans, who hold considerable influence over Kabila, to agree to the investigations when he visits the capital Kigali on Sunday.

v. + capital >>共 525
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