31.   The violence worsens, and, efforts to restrain it are ultimately overwhelmed by old habits and hatred.

32.   The United Nations has been pleading with its members to set up a force that could go into Burundi if ethnic violence worsens.

33.   The violence has worsened in recent weeks despite earlier promises by Indonesian ministers to provide greater security.

34.   Two Japanese military planes left Manila on Tuesday for Singapore to prepare for possible evacuation of Japanese from Indonesia if political violence there worsens.

35.   Violence has worsened in this South American country since February, when the Colombian government ended a three-year peace process with the FARC.

36.   Britain has stepped up the pressure on its former colony in recent months and has threatened to seek its suspension from the Commonwealth if political violence worsens.

37.   Britain will push for Zimbabwe to be suspended from the Commonwealth if political violence in the African country worsens, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw told parliament on Tuesday.

38.   UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali has called for an international force to be prepared to intervene quickly in case the violence worsens.

39.   On Tuesday British foreign secretary, Jack Straw said his country will push for Zimbabwe to be suspended from the Commonwealth if political violence here worsens.

40.   Thai Foreign Ministry spokesman Rattakit Manathat told reporters that Thailand stood firm on the issue and would reconsider the decision only if violence against the group worsened.

n. + worsen >>共 390
situation 17.48%
condition 14.36%
problem 5.59%
crisis 2.99%
violence 2.60%
economy 2.60%
relation 1.95%
health 1.69%
weather 1.62%
shortage 1.36%
violence + v. >>共 512
be 20.57%
erupt 7.32%
continue 6.87%
break_out 3.82%
come 2.70%
flare 2.61%
escalate 2.36%
begin 2.16%
mar 1.90%
spread 1.54%
worsen 0.62%
每页显示:    共 40