31.   Murray and his counterpart at BankBoston, Charles K. Gifford, decided to use BankBoston after reviewing facilities plans.

32.   Numerous companies produce these drugs, which can usually be used after an initial treatment with Cipro, according to the CDC.

33.   Of course, this is only effective if the fan is used after dark and after the outside air has cooled down.

34.   President Bush now wants to give U.S. aid to Afghanistan along the lines of the Marshall Plan funds that America used after World War II to rebuild Western Europe.

35.   Refugees quit using them after a week when the sensory assault became too foul to endure.

36.   Second, lawmakers need to make it clear that people have an absolute right to decide how their organs are used after death.

37.   Stockpiles are used after the harvests end, when fresh coffee is no longer available for roasters.

38.   The captain, meanwhile, called for running through the checklist used after an aborted takeoff, rather than the evacuation checklist.

39.   The company said the device should be used after other alternatives to surgery -- such as drugs, dietary modification, and biofeedback fail.

40.   The current, ongoing trials now are comparing Arimidex and Faslodex when used after tamoxifen treatments.

v. + after >>共 936
come 7.80%
die 2.94%
say 2.67%
release 2.19%
leave 1.81%
speak 1.80%
arrest 1.55%
fall 1.48%
return 1.32%
rise 1.06%
use 0.13%
use + p. >>共 73
in 33.32%
for 24.19%
as 17.42%
to 7.98%
on 4.26%
against 2.33%
at 2.15%
with 1.66%
during 1.10%
by 0.88%
after 0.20%
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