31.   Nuru, the son of landless peasants, is among an untold number of children who are taken out of this country each year by traffickers.

32.   Now Greenspan has set himself up to provide the punchline for untold numbers of Rotary Club speeches in the next century.

33.   Researchers and pharmacutical company officials say thalidomide has the potential to increase the comfort of some sufferers and prolong an untold number of lives.

34.   Scores of people have been killed since January and untold numbers wounded, some in remote areas with little access to medical care.

35.   Several students at a recent certification course agreed that an untold number of Texans secretly tote guns.

36.   Sensing a loose thread that threatened to unravel society, an untold number of non-essential federal employees jumped on the case.

37.   She has made untold numbers of afghans for grandchildren, great-grandchildren and even generations beyond that.

38.   Some speculated the sun was a gigantic lump of burning coal, others held that untold numbers of incoming meteors stoked its fires.

39.   That single incident devastated the sound, killing hundreds of thousands of seabirds, thousands of marine mammals and untold numbers of fish and shellfish.

40.   The Kingdome, former home of the Mariners, housed an untold number of vermin.

a. + number >>共 430
large 15.21%
growing 8.43%
small 5.19%
increasing 4.65%
record 2.28%
limited 2.08%
total 1.89%
exact 1.89%
unknown 1.88%
unspecified 1.77%
untold 0.27%
untold + n. >>共 105
number 22.11%
million 9.21%
damage 7.37%
thousand 6.58%
story 3.95%
billion 3.42%
riches 3.42%
hour 2.63%
suffering 2.37%
consequence 2.11%
每页显示:    共 84