31.   Last week, Medina said, suspected paramilitaries killed two students on the university campus.

32.   Most programs are to Europe, but new this year is one to Costa Rica, and a New England Sampler that runs from the university campus in Durham.

33.   Now, three years later, Mr. Rothstein says he finds encouragement in the aggressive consumer-education campaigns in industrialized nations, especially on university campuses.

34.   On both university campuses, police and university officials have warned Muslim students that they could be victims of vandalism or violence and that they should take extra precautions.

35.   On university campuses, academicians are taking a second look at divorce.

36.   On university campuses, too, there was a deep feeling of discontent.

37.   --Promote regional collaboration among the public community colleges, state colleges and university campuses as well as with the private sector.

38.   Posters are going up in neighborhoods and on university campuses calling on Iraqis to volunteer for military exercises.

39.   Questions of academic freedom extend to university campuses.

40.   Previously, computer innovations had largely arisen on university campuses, where the free exchange of ideas often reigned.

n. + campus >>共 88
college 47.44%
university 26.78%
branch 4.11%
school 3.31%
satellite 1.40%
year 1.00%
research 0.90%
fall 0.80%
flagship 0.60%
weekend 0.60%
university + n. >>共 600
student 13.74%
official 10.58%
professor 6.55%
campus 4.83%
president 3.85%
system 2.08%
degree 1.79%
graduate 1.66%
administrator 1.66%
spokesman 1.59%
每页显示:    共 265