31.   It emits no toxic fumes.

32.   Often the workers, and sometimes the owner and his family too, sleep in the room above the workshop, potentially inhaling toxic fumes through the night.

33.   Officials of neighboring states were alerted to the possibility that winds could carry the toxic fumes across their borders.

34.   Once mixed together, the chemicals create toxic fumes that can lead to liver and kidney failure, severe lung damage and cancer.

35.   Obviously, most chemical solvents are flammable and release toxic fumes.

36.   Officials in Tennessee and Mississippi were alerted to the possibility that winds could carry the toxic fumes across their borders.

37.   Open flames used for light to see by often ignited the toxic fumes circulating in the poorly ventilated mine shafts.

38.   Shrouded in protective gear to fend off toxic fumes and liquids, technicians began the painstaking and dangerous cleanup of the gunk that the drugmakers left behind.

39.   Some plastics, like resins, hardeners, sealants and adhesives, can irritate the skin and emit toxic fumes.

40.   The spread of toxic fumes below decks drove him back to the conning tower with the rest of the crew.

a. + fume >>共 105
toxic 29.62%
noxious 16.11%
poisonous 5.21%
dangerous 3.08%
chemical 3.08%
acrid 2.61%
deadly 2.13%
mysterious 1.66%
foul-smelling 1.66%
black 1.18%
toxic + n. >>共 351
waste 14.38%
chemical 14.10%
substance 8.05%
gas 5.44%
fume 5.11%
material 3.60%
effect 2.25%
metal 1.76%
emission 1.63%
site 1.59%
每页显示:    共 124