31.   Reasonable people believe that letting the situation in the Balkans go unchecked threatens the stability of Europe.

32.   Refugees will then be able to return home, relieving neighboring countries of a burden that increasingly threatens their stability.

33.   Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov joined other OSCE members in approving a charter revision that states OSCE has an interest in any internal conflict that threatens regional stability.

34.   She loved her family and woe be unto anyone who dared to threaten the stability of the Bush clan.

35.   Some Western observers fear this could threaten stability elsewhere in the Balkans.

36.   Such an all-out fight could trigger anti-Israeli uprisings in the region and threaten the stability of neighboring Arab countries, two US officials said Monday.

37.   That message was clearly intended to allay fears, in Washington and other capitals, that Israel might take drastic measures that could threaten stability throughout the Middle East.

38.   The answers vary, although everyone agrees that the first priority for people like Yeltsin and Obuchi is to stop the self-inflicted injuries that are threatening international stability.

39.   The Brazilian government instituted a system of inflation targets two years ago after a sharp devaluation of the currency threatened the stability of the economy.

40.   The difference, to Westerners, is that he threatens European stability.

v. + stability >>共 225
bring 9.84%
maintain 8.46%
threaten 7.98%
restore 7.65%
ensure 6.13%
provide 4.61%
promote 3.71%
achieve 2.57%
undermine 2.19%
have 1.90%
threaten + n. >>共 1339
action 5.20%
sanction 3.29%
life 2.90%
security 2.82%
stability 2.18%
retaliation 2.07%
strike 2.04%
attack 1.94%
veto 1.46%
violence 1.40%
每页显示:    共 167