31.   Dozens of Moslems, many of them elderly, gathered Wednesday in this Sarajevo suburb to block the return of Serbs to visit family graves.

32.   The refugees -- around half of them small children, some of them elderly -- were visibly malnourished.

33.   UN observers protested to Zagreb over the killing of hundreds of people, many of them elderly, who had opted to remain.

34.   Only a handful of people remain, many of them elderly.

35.   Passengers -- many of them elderly -- took to the lifeboats with nothing but the nightclothes or dancing clothes they were wearing.

36.   Survivors, many of them elderly, gave thanks to be back on dry land, letting out cries of relief as their feet touched terra firma.

37.   The assailants, possibly Moslem militants, armed with Kalashnikovs and a revolver sprayed the holidaymakers at point blank range, killing eighteen tourists, most of them elderly.

a. + elderly >>共 69
them 20.90%
low-income 11.86%
poor 6.21%
frail 5.08%
impoverished 3.39%
very 2.82%
affluent 1.69%
ailing 1.69%
near 1.69%
poorest 1.69%
them + n. >>共 859
elderly 1.89%
job 1.53%
time 1.33%
good 1.28%
day 1.17%
more 1.12%
child 1.12%
young 1.07%
most 1.02%
woman 0.92%
每页显示:    共 37