31.   Speaking of which, telling the audience when to scream seemed a little beside the point because everyone was screaming the whole time anyway.

32.   Stokes told the audience.

33.   Subsidies to the East will be cut only as the economy gains strength, he told an audience in Cottbus, near the Polish border.

34.   The blind Valdez, for instance, tells his audience he stopped drinking when he started hearing double.

35.   The Japanese government wants to solve its economic problems by increasing exports, he told the audience.

36.   The Joyce program, she told the audience after the performance, was structured as a Cunningham Event.

37.   The mystery of why women get the baby blues is just now being discovered, Rowell told her audience.

38.   The story they tell the audience is atypical but significant.

39.   The techniques used to direct air past rocket fins, Kantrowitz told his audience, could be adapted to push blood safely through the human body.

40.   Then it became evident that bin Laden and his associates had taken over, leaving the Taliban as mere puppets of the Arabs, Karzai would tell his audiences.

v. + audience >>共 610
have 6.66%
attract 4.09%
find 3.86%
draw 3.30%
reach 3.13%
address 2.13%
tell 2.03%
build 1.86%
leave 1.70%
keep 1.43%
tell + n. >>共 546
story 19.43%
reporter 11.47%
truth 5.53%
police 3.63%
court 1.97%
joke 1.56%
tale 1.53%
investigator 1.20%
tales 1.20%
difference 1.15%
audience 0.38%
每页显示:    共 61