31.   By combining with Yangzi -- officials say merger talks have taken place for years -- Yizheng could better control its costs.

32.   Cochran and Shapiro have denied that any plea bargain talks took place, and Kardashian said Thursday he had no knowledge of any discussions involving him.

33.   Concerning the U.S., Brittan said talks would take place under the terms set out in the December accord between the U.S. and EU.

34.   Cyrix chief Gerald Rogers denied that talks had taken place, the magazine said.

35.   Diplomats say the talks may now take five years, not ten.

36.   DreamWorks officials said Katzenberg had two phone conversations with Ovitz, but that no serious settlement talks took place.

37.   Driscoll said the settlement talks could take several months to conclude.

38.   Efforts to have the talks take place continued Saturday.

39.   Even if the peace talks should take place, even if they should work, Clinton has pledged to send troops to help police a settlement.

40.   From there, talks took off.

n. + take >>共 1201
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people 1.59%
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investor 1.22%
police 1.16%
process 1.02%
official 1.00%
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talk + v. >>共 359
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