31.   Clinton is spending the day in Missouri -- his second stop in the state in less than two weeks -- hoping to woo voters in this key swing state.

32.   Columbus is a key swing district in a key swing state.

33.   Conceding nothing, the Gore campaign said on Saturday that it intended to fight all-out for Louisiana and a number of other swing states, including Ohio.

34.   Could it have been been Al Gore himself, with a populist pipe wrench that stunned centrist sensibilities in the swing states?

35.   Crisscrossing Wisconsin, a swing state, on a glorious fall day, Bush criticized Gore repeatedly as a proponent of big government.

36.   Cubans are concentrated in Florida, a swing state in presidential elections, and they turn out heavily for candidates who pledge not to compromise with Castro.

37.   Does he really think that there is a policy wonk bloc in the crucial mid-Atlantic and Midwest swing states?

38.   Florida is safely in the Republican camp and it is a true swing state?

39.   Florida pollster Jim Kane said that Jews are already among the most active and reliably Democratic voters in that key swing state.

40.   Forget about Philadelphia as another cradle of liberty situated in a key electoral state next door to heartland swing states of the midwest.

n. + state >>共 718
member 33.02%
battleground 5.30%
island 5.26%
rogue 3.53%
swing 2.99%
one-party 2.00%
pariah 1.17%
border 1.13%
year 1.11%
city 1.11%
swing + n. >>共 181
voter 18.11%
state 13.68%
vote 12.38%
district 4.53%
bowler 3.42%
pass 3.05%
set 2.96%
coach 2.87%
band 2.40%
music 2.22%
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