31.   Richard Strohm, vice chairman of the Lottery Commission, said he had no problem with the commercial but suspects Symington has different tastes from his.

32.   Several suspects had initial court appearances before federal magistrates in Federal District Court in San Jose this afternoon.

33.   Some judicial experts contend that foreigners normally do not have privacy rights unless they have earned permanent resident status, which the terrorism suspects had not.

34.   Smith suspects Noselo had polio as a child.

35.   Still, several students and at least one adult in Santee appeared to have known that the young suspect had murder on his mind in recent days.

36.   Suspects have far more rights in the criminal justice system than they do in military tribunals.

37.   Taylor said both suspects had arrest records.

38.   The coat-dumping, it ruled, was indeed interrogation, albeit nonverbal, and therefore prohibited because the suspect had asserted his rights.

39.   The customary suspects have alibis, and Divinci and Rodriguez must pull off an extraordinarily risky deception.

40.   The Dallas Morning News, which disclosed the situation, reported on Tuesday that in at least four cases suspects had little money on them when they were arrested.

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player 0.88%
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suspect 0.09%
suspect + v. >>共 495
be 29.70%
have 4.49%
remain 3.03%
flee 2.68%
face 2.51%
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say 1.73%
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