31.   Rebels in eastern Zaire reported heavy fighting near the key city of Kisangani, while the government suggested that Angola had joined neighboring countries in supporting the guerrillas.

32.   Senior army officers have been accused of promoting right-wing paramilitary groups that kill civilians suspected of supporting the guerrillas.

33.   Suspected paramilitaries killed seven villagers near Caloto on Saturday after accusing them of supporting the guerrillas, officials said.

34.   Syria supports Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon who have carried out sporadic attacks against Israelis.

35.   Sudan says the guerrillas are supported by Eritrean and Ugandan troops, a charge both countries deny.

36.   The CIA had supported Islamic guerrillas in their fight against the Soviet-installed Afghan government.

37.   The countries have been at odds for centuries and frequently accuse each another of supporting guerrillas along the border.

38.   The Lebanese army has never tried to take back the area by force, but the government supports Lebanese guerrillas who have been fighting Israeli troops in the enclave.

39.   The killers, members of the nationwide United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia, or AUC, accused their victims of supporting leftist guerrillas.

40.   The Syrians, meanwhile, have a more peaceful way of using Lebanon to pressure Israel than supporting the guerrillas who lobbed rockets into the Jewish state.

v. + guerrilla >>共 296
kill 25.47%
fight 5.00%
support 2.58%
blame 2.47%
accuse 2.36%
wound 2.15%
arm 2.04%
train 1.88%
attack 1.56%
battle 1.40%
support + n. >>共 944
effort 2.29%
idea 2.26%
terrorism 1.92%
bill 1.86%
family 1.67%
claim 1.63%
right 1.56%
rebel 1.50%
plan 1.38%
dollar 1.35%
guerrilla 0.21%
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