31.   Real substantive negotiations are not likely to make headway until Greek Cypriot elections early next year.

32.   Substantive negotiation is to be held later during the next two months.

33.   The hard-line government has antagonized Palestinians with its plans to expand Jewish settlements and its refusal to resume substantive negotiations.

34.   The government has refused to discuss freedom for the hostage takers and says substantive negotiations on improving prison conditions can only occur once the hostages are released.

35.   The government has refused to discuss freedom for the hostage-takers and says substantive negotiations on improving prison conditions can only occur once the hostages are released.

36.   The new government has antagonized Palestinians with its plans to expand Jewish settlements and its refusal to resume substantive negotiations.

37.   The new government has antagonized Palestinians with its plans to expand of Jewish settlements and its refusal to resume substantive negotiations.

38.   Indications were that despite the Russian rhetoric of a new Cold War breaking out, Albright and Primakov got down to substantive negotiations on the proposed accord.

39.   A cessation of hostilities is now in force after the government of President Chandrika Kumaratunga moved towards opening substantive political negotiations with the rebels.

40.   But he said it was unlikely that Sakakibara, who is in Washington on other business, and Shapiro would engage in substantive negotiations.

a. + negotiation >>共 800
further 4.65%
direct 3.13%
political 3.12%
formal 2.64%
intense 2.56%
new 2.14%
ongoing 2.08%
serious 1.99%
tough 1.91%
lengthy 1.88%
substantive 0.80%
substantive + n. >>共 233
issue 13.18%
talk 5.84%
negotiation 5.63%
change 5.42%
discussion 4.68%
progress 2.76%
peace 2.55%
difference 2.34%
motion 2.02%
agreement 1.91%
每页显示:    共 53