31.   Negotiations begun in January between Pastrana and the FARC have produced only an agenda, and no substantive discussion of rebel demands to attack widespread poverty and political corruption.

32.   Ocampo said the real test will come when both sides buckle down to substantive discussions, particularly on an agreement covering social and economic reforms.

33.   On Saturday, Ali Mahdi, who controls northern Mogadishu, said he was prepared to meet Aidid provided there were possibilities of substantive discussions.

34.   Santer said he expects a substantive discussion of foreign exchange issues.

35.   Secretary of State Colin Powell said the administration was undertaking a review of North Korea policy and that no substantive discussions with Pyongyang would be held in the meantime.

36.   The jointly filed status report was the first substantive discussion by the software giant and the government with U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly.

37.   There have been no substantive discussions between Washington and Pyongyang since the final months of the Clinton administration.

38.   There have been no substantive discussions between the United States and North Korea since the final months of the Clinton administration.

39.   There have been no substantive discussions between the United States and North Korea since the late Clinton administration.

40.   There have been no substantive discussions between Washington and Pyongyang since the final months of the administration of U.S. President Bill Clinton.

a. + discussion >>共 801
further 6.19%
public 4.99%
political 2.92%
serious 2.92%
informal 2.55%
preliminary 2.54%
open 1.61%
detailed 1.55%
private 1.47%
heated 1.43%
substantive 0.85%
substantive + n. >>共 233
issue 13.18%
talk 5.84%
negotiation 5.63%
change 5.42%
discussion 4.68%
progress 2.76%
peace 2.55%
difference 2.34%
motion 2.02%
agreement 1.91%
每页显示:    共 44