31.   Walking the line between making big-budget studio films and trying to maintain and satisfy a personal vision is not easy.

32.   Where women now make their greatest impact on major studio films, Abramowitz believes, is in pressuring male counterparts to make movies that will attract female audiences.

33.   With three studio films under his belt, Woo can compare and contrast the Hong Kong and American filmmaking systems.

34.   Wright received an Academy Award nomination for his work on the screenplay and is working on another studio film.

35.   Yet the alternative, to abjure stars and reduce the marketing campaign, would sentence a studio film to oblivion under the trampling herd of blockbusters.

36.   Most big studio films mimic cheerful, lowest-common-denominator TV routines.

37.   Not too long ago, the typical studio film would gross about five or six times its opening weekend number.

38.   The deal will also give Disney a wider platform to promote its other broadcast networks, major studio films and theme parks.

39.   Those few studio films that try to be more inventive end up looking totally unoriginal.

40.   While the project began as a studio film, the producers said they realized they needed to produce it independently to keep it true to its roots.

n. + film >>共 452
feature 18.55%
action 6.50%
horror 6.50%
highlight 3.15%
studio 1.91%
television 1.53%
feature-length 1.39%
low-budget 1.34%
color 1.29%
year 1.20%
studio + n. >>共 453
executive 13.91%
system 3.79%
head 3.41%
film 2.53%
analyst 2.47%
space 2.21%
album 2.09%
chief 1.96%
musician 1.71%
boss 1.64%
每页显示:    共 40