31.   Harvard-Radcliffe relations have been strained in recent years, especially as the two schools have carried out separate fund-raising campaigns, often competing for donors.

32.   He hopes they can join him soon, but the downing of two American planes has strained relations between his new home and his birthplace.

33.   His alliance with Giuliani and his increasing advocacy of Republican positions on issues from education to welfare have strained his relations with Democratic leaders over the years.

34.   His first visit last year strained relations between the U.S., China and Taiwan.

35.   In an hourlong meeting with President Clinton, their first face-to-face since last September, the two leaders acknowledged that disagreement over Kosovo had strained their relations.

36.   In his statement on Thursday, Ray struck a different tone than his predecessor, Kenneth W. Starr who had deeply strained relations with the White House.

37.   In escalating its criticisms, the administration is walking a fine line, trying to press Turkey without straining relations to the breaking point.

38.   In the past, U.S.-Mexican relations have been strained by the thorny issue of drug trafficking.

39.   Iraqi exiles said that when relations between the United States and Iraq become strained, hostility toward them increases.

40.   Is such a long war -- undermining Europe, destabilizing the Balkans and straining transatlantic relations -- acceptable to the United States?

v. + relation >>共 544
improve 13.47%
have 9.25%
strain 6.07%
maintain 4.67%
normalize 3.37%
establish 2.28%
sour 2.23%
discuss 2.21%
strengthen 2.12%
damage 1.78%
strain + n. >>共 269
relation 27.52%
tie 5.69%
muscle 3.91%
relationship 3.85%
hamstring 3.24%
liquid 2.26%
ligament 2.26%
groin 2.20%
resource 2.20%
credulity 1.90%
每页显示:    共 447