31.   Stress also increases stomach acids aggravating ulcers, and is linked to colitis and irritable bowel syndrome.

32.   Stomach acid is normally kept in the stomach by a muscular valve called the esophageal sphincter.

33.   That can stimulate saliva production, which helps neutralize stomach acid.

34.   The acid in the juice enhances calcium absorption, and is especially good for older people short on stomach acid.

35.   The company also presented data showing that the protein would be destroyed by stomach acids more quickly than had been thought.

36.   The measures are aimed at reducing gastric reflux, a common condition in which stomach acid passes up the esophagus and may irritate the vocal cords.

37.   The remainder are used to treat conditions such as reflux oesophagitis, in which the stomach acids damage the passage between the throat and the stomach.

38.   There, stomach acid irritates the tissue in what feels like a nice fresh jalapeno pepper dissolving in your chest.

39.   They increase the production of stomach acid, and thus likelihood of reflux.

40.   Antacids like Tums and Rolaids neutralize stomach acid after it has been produced.

n. + acid >>共 97
stomach 20.48%
battery 8.03%
aristolochic 5.62%
retinoic 4.02%
ursodeoxycholic 3.61%
betulinic 3.21%
domoic 2.81%
eicosapentaenoic 2.81%
lithocholic 2.41%
chenodeoxycholic 2.01%
stomach + n. >>共 125
pain 12.29%
cancer 11.16%
virus 7.71%
problem 7.52%
muscle 6.27%
ulcer 5.45%
ailment 4.70%
flu 4.14%
cramp 3.82%
ache 3.32%
acid 3.20%
每页显示:    共 51