31.   Najib warned that stern action would be taken against private colleges which advertise for students before approval has been granted.

32.   On Thursday, Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee again condemned the attacks and said he has asked the Gujarat government to take stern action.

33.   On Tuesday, army Col. Karel Ralahalu, the regional military chief, warned that stern action would be taken against those who incite riots.

34.   On Thursday, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration threatened stern action against any American civilian pilot who penetrates Cuban airspace during the memorial.

35.   President Suharto, returning from a visit to Germany, threatened Thursday to take stern action against Indonesians who participated in protests against him during his trip.

36.   Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee promised to investigate whether members of the Hindu nationalist Bajrang Dal were behind the attack and to take stern action against all involved.

37.   Stern action would be taken against those who fail to comply with this new regulation, he added.

38.   Soeparmo, head of Commission E for welfare affairs, urged Pasar Jaya to take stern action against the vendors.

39.   Suharto, on his return Thursday from the trip, has ordered stern action against those reportedly behind the protests.

40.   Sjafrie also said that he would take stern action against officers who gave protection to the hoodlums.

a. + action >>共 551
military 13.59%
legal 11.10%
disciplinary 4.60%
further 2.89%
immediate 1.63%
possible 1.51%
similar 1.51%
quick 1.15%
congressional 1.13%
unilateral 1.02%
stern 0.38%
stern + n. >>共 320
warning 19.14%
action 7.71%
measure 3.61%
message 3.42%
lecture 3.22%
punishment 2.83%
test 2.73%
word 1.86%
look 1.76%
face 1.27%
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