31.   Under complex decision-making rules, the issue now returns to the European Parliament which demands binding quotas to stem the flood of U.S. shows washing across EU television screens.

32.   In April, China announced the implementation of new measures to stem the flood of rural migrant workers to cities, many of which already have high unemployment.

33.   Bizimungu declared a de facto ceasefire in Rwanda after his installation as president, but the move failed to stem the flood of refugees fleeing the country.

34.   Calls have gone out for an increase in Japanese interest rates to stem the flood of capital offshore, which mobilised an army of responses.

35.   Denmark has been pressured by Germany to tighten its border controls to stem the flood of refugees from moving south from Scandinavia.

36.   The move was also designed to try and stem the flood into neighbouring countries of Hutu refugees who have fled the RPF advance in fear of revenge killings.

37.   The two Mediterranean countries are mulling a bilateral agreement on stemming a flood of illegal immigrants, many of whom come from the Middle East.

38.   Two sessions Friday and Thursday produced no agreement on stemming the flood of refugees from Cuba.

39.   US and Cuban negotiators have been at the tables for two days in New York to stem the flood of Cubans taking to rafts to cross the Florida Straits.

40.   Many Russian deputies are believed to be in favour of visa restrictions to stem the flood of people crossing the Sino-Russian border daily.

v. + flood >>共 204
cause 9.91%
stem 4.62%
trigger 4.17%
bring 4.05%
receive 3.38%
prevent 3.15%
follow 3.04%
unleash 2.82%
produce 2.48%
fear 2.36%
stem + n. >>共 296
flow 14.58%
tide 9.43%
loss 5.95%
violence 4.41%
decline 3.88%
spread 3.28%
flood 2.74%
slide 2.21%
inflation 2.07%
rise 1.67%
每页显示:    共 41