31.   The city also has started keeping some subway stations open overnight.

32.   The station opened one month ago as a joint-venture between several independent Serbian radio stations and a Belgrade-based publishing house.

33.   Then the two surface stations will open, like four-petaled mechanical flowers, to expose a variety of scientific instruments that will send data back to Earth.

34.   There was no violence during the vote, election office president Benoit Guerrier said, despite long lines caused when some stations opened late.

35.   In some areas, voting stations opened late, either because electoral officials had not arrived or because they did not have all the necessary paperwork.

36.   A new Eurostar train station opens Monday in the southeast English town of Ashford, saving an hour of travel time for passengers bound for Paris or Brussels.

37.   A new TGV station opened at the park in May.

38.   Election stations opened on time, but the masses outside had to wait while electoral officers cast their ballots before opening the doors.

39.   The station opened without a licence after accusing the authorities of dragging their feet over issuing one.

40.   No incidents were reported, although many voting stations opened late due to technical hitches.

n. + open >>共 988
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soldier 2.44%
market 2.19%
stock 2.10%
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company 1.35%
station 0.28%
station + v. >>共 691
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say 8.90%
report 7.99%
have 4.78%
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