31.   The air smells sweet as a spring morning.

32.   The grackles crackle as I wander the east side of the University of Texas campus on a brisk spring morning.

33.   The spring morning is cool, and gator sightings are infrequent.

34.   The sensations of one instant of a spring morning have thus become represented by millions of activated cells in many different regions of the cortex.

35.   Walk up to them on a spring morning, when lemonade sun coaxes pink and white blooms from stark brown tree limbs and songbirds dance on the breeze.

36.   Yaakov Shefi, the father of the slain girl, was in the synagogue and rushed home in the bright spring morning as the gunfire erupted.

37.   Even in the bright sun this spring morning, tufts of cumulus cloud hide jagged peaks.

38.   It was a beautiful spring morning outside as the rush-hour trains pulled into their downtown subway stations.

39.   One recent beautiful spring morning, he made his rounds through some of the most depressing neighborhoods in Washington.

40.   She had been doing bits and pieces for the camera one spring morning on Santa Monica beach.

n. + morning >>共 112
weekday 16.51%
winter 14.15%
spring 9.91%
summer 8.49%
sun 6.60%
weekend 4.25%
hour 4.01%
week 3.77%
fall 2.83%
election 1.18%
spring + n. >>共 1442
training 29.03%
practice 3.17%
day 1.94%
season 1.65%
election 1.32%
rain 1.29%
water 1.16%
game 1.04%
weather 1.00%
collection 0.86%
morning 0.50%
每页显示:    共 42