31.   Though the show was sponsored by Philip Morris and found innovative ways to work its cigarettes into storylines, it was also successful at plugging Desilu merchandise.

32.   Our Home has sponsored shows by American rapper MC Hammer and former Deep Purple bassist Glenn Hughes.

33.   Our Home has already sponsored a show by American rapper MC Hammer, and plans a series of other concerts by foreign stars before the elections.

34.   Also in Manila, a man was killed when sparks from a government sponsored pyrotechnics show caused the explosion of an acetylene tank.

35.   Companies sponsor the shows because they want the big-name hosts to sell their products, from pasta and candy to down quilts and cosmetics.

36.   Japan also is to promote imports of glass products by sponsoring trade shows and providing information to foreign makers that want to enter the Japanese market.

37.   Morizyuk received a free ticket through her son, who works for the Moscow government, which also sponsored the show.

38.   Several Dutch parliamentarians discussed the elections on national television and later found out the show had been sponsored by the European public affairs office.

39.   The show is sponsored by the Salvador Dali Gallery, a Los Angeles art house.

40.   The shows are sponsored by the Taos Arts Association and The Historic Taos Inn.

v. + show >>共 905
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make 1.99%
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sponsor + n. >>共 533
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