31.   Keynote speaker includes Trusted Information Systems President, Stephen Walker.

32.   Keynote speakers include Dennis Stigl, head of Bell Atlantic Nynex Mobile and Andrew Sukawaty, head of Sprint Spectrum.

33.   Keynote speakers include Deputy Assistant Secretary for Domestic Finance Roger Anderson.

34.   Keynote speakers include Dr. Alan Baratz, president of JavaSoft, and Scott McNealy, CEO of Sun Microsystems.

35.   Keynote speakers include Larry Babbio, vice chairman of Bell Atlantic Corp.

36.   Keynote speakers include Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton.

37.   Keynote speakers include Senator Bob Kerrey of Nebraska and Representative Rob Portman of Ohio.

38.   Keynotes speakers include Bruce Dennis, vice president of planning for Boeing Commercial Aircraft Group and Montie Brewer, vice presdident of planning for United Airlines.

39.   Keynote speaker includes Commissioner Susan Ness of the Federal Communications Commission.

40.   Keynote speaker includes U.S. Treasurer Mary Ellen Withrow.

n. + include >>共 1161
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list 1.51%
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speaker + v. >>共 557
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say 6.62%
have 2.68%
call 1.77%
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urge 1.01%
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