31.   Multinational corporations have already begun signaling their willingness to pump more money into China after it joins.

32.   Now, Clinton officials and industry groups have signaled a willingness to work toward a common ground.

33.   Political factions in the Duma were signalling their willingness to support Kiriyenko in exchange for seats on the new cabinet, expected to be named next week.

34.   President Clinton has already signaled his willingness to spend some additional money in sensible areas, such as education, food safety and the environment.

35.   Republican leaders signaled a willingness on Monday to work with Clinton to reserve nearly two-thirds of future surpluses to strengthen Social Security.

36.   Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Kuwait and Mexico, which is not an OPEC member, have signaled a willingness to increase production.

37.   The administration has wisely signaled a willingness to incorporate basic labor and environmental standards into any trade treaty.

38.   The coalition said yesterday that the White House signalled a willingness to compromise.

39.   The Russians have signaled a willingness to discuss a deal on NATO expansion.

40.   They had already signaled their willingness to stand down if they could get their own Bosnian Serb republic.

v. + willingness >>共 127
show 21.92%
express 21.85%
indicate 13.81%
signal 9.23%
demonstrate 5.11%
declare 1.95%
announce 1.80%
reiterate 1.58%
display 0.90%
suggest 0.83%
signal + n. >>共 677
end 8.17%
willingness 4.57%
start 4.53%
change 3.82%
intention 3.04%
beginning 3.04%
support 2.34%
return 1.45%
interest 1.37%
readiness 1.34%
每页显示:    共 122