31.   Caldera will sign the accord during a one-day visit to the Brazilian city of Manaus, government officials said.

32.   China has not signed the accord, but has pledged to adhere to it.

33.   China also signed accords with Atlantic Richfield Co. and Kerr-McGee Corp. last week.

34.   China did not sign that accord.

35.   Didier Mumengi, the minister of information, said the commission would not be set up until the rebels signed the accord.

36.   During their summit meeting, they signed an accord under which the United States and Russia would instantly share data about the launching of ballistic missiles and space payloads.

37.   Earlier this year, American signed an accord with both carriers.

38.   Ethnic Albanian leaders agreed to disarmament when they signed an accord in Paris in March.

39.   Even as the rebel groups signed the accord in a hotel ballroom here, they continued to squabble about how to carry out its first main provisions.

40.   For signing that accord, Egypt was ostracized in the Arab world for years.

v. + accord >>共 362
sign 25.97%
reach 14.58%
implement 4.44%
ratify 2.93%
approve 2.44%
violate 2.13%
negotiate 1.89%
initial 1.58%
announce 1.37%
reject 1.27%
sign + n. >>共 387
agreement 23.07%
contract 9.29%
treaty 5.66%
accord 5.10%
bill 4.70%
deal 3.39%
autograph 3.28%
document 2.68%
letter 1.99%
memorandum 1.70%
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